Friday 15 July 2011

Here is a picture from a store in Japan. Boyfriend’s album is really popular.

Jeongmin’s Message

This is an message from Jeongmin on Boyfriend’s fancafe. He wrote it on July 6th. I don’t know if the translation is that accurate because it doesn’t see that good but I couldn’t find a better translation.
Hello, this is Jeongmin!
Weather completely off, and pick up spirit and shine, right?
Now the test coming to an end, the completely exciting times!!!
The signed CD, may I ask, you’ve done well with that right?!  Completing the sign was hard!! +0+
Our members are split to guess who’s who wrote the letters~^^
Products that fit?! …maybe a drill!
I’m done with everything~~~~~ ᅳ,.ᅳ kk (Collage kkk)
Everytime seeing post about the powerful stage, giving me more strength and everything become more hard.
I’m also …… I’m gags’ machine..
This week, please expect alot from Boyfriend. Ppyong♥
Source: Boyfriend’s Official Cafe
Translation: young___a♥ @B-NATION
Taken from:

Why did Boyfriend Change Their Choreography?

Starting with last week’s episode of KBS’s ‘Music Bank‘, Boyfriend changed up their choreography for their adorable debut track, “Boyfriend“.
Ever since their debut, the boys have been known for their sweet aegyo point dance, but fans were concerned over their image being limited to just one image. In reflection of their concerns, as well as their desire to show something new, the boys decided to change up their choreography to something stronger.
They only had two days to come up with a new routine and rehearse it, but thanks to their pre-debut training, it wasn’t long before they had it all down. Two days later, the boys presented a flawless performance without any mistakes.
Leader Donghyun said, “We practiced really hard for two days. We didn’t pull all-nighters in order to keep up our stamina, but we rehearsed nearly all day long. You’ll be able to see a choreography that’s more powerful and masculine, so we hope you’ll look forward to us.”
Source + Photos: Sports Chosun via Nate
Credits: VITALSIGN at Allkpop

Boyfriend on Music Bank

Boyfriend performed Boyfriend remix on Music Bank on July 15th.

“Miss Teen Indonesia” Alert

This was shared on Boyfriend’s Twitter on June 14th. What a disappointment.
Original Tweet: For Indonesia fans, please check our full comment on Miss Teen Indonesia 2011 Fraud Alert urgently.
We are very shocked to know and sorry to inform you that Miss Teen Indonesia 2011 in Jakarta was cancelled.
Starship Entertainment and Boyfriend have anticipated meeting Indonesia Fans for the first time and been practicing for the special stage, but despite our good faith, it turns out that all our efforts went up in smoke.
Indonesia fans who have been waiting for Boyfriend because of the misleading information given to, please be alert and do not buy the tickets nor attend the event as the event was cancelled.
This time we are very disappointed by the unfortunate incident, however, we hope that there will be another good opportunity to visit Indonesia in the near future.
*Please also check the official facebook of Enrique Iglesias who was supposed to join this event for your information.!/Enrique
Source: Boyfriend’s Twitter and Official Facebook

Jeongmin Backstage

Here is a video of Jeongmin with Minwoo backstage at Music Bank. The video isn’t that good quality and there are no English subs though.

Pictures from Starship Entertainment’s Facebook

Pictures from Starship Entertainment's Facebook

Starship Entertainmnet uploaded these pictures today on their Facebook.
“::Boyfriend:: This is one of my favorite photos that I took. How about you? [photo by YoungMin]“
Jeongmin is wearing that shirt which Minwoo and Onew also wore.
“”::Boyfriend:: Well, it seems that a hair iron is a good friend of Boyfriend :) [photo by YoungMin]“”
“::Boyfriend:: Today’s special photographer is YoungMin. [photo by YoungMin]“
Youngmin seems to like photography.
Taecyeon from 2pm mentioned Youngmin and Kwangmin in one of his tweets today.
Original Tweet: 뮤뱅1위감사합니다!! 3주1위가 가능케하신 모든분들께 감사드리그요 이제 투피엠 핸접활동이 곧 끝나요ㅠㅠ 앞으로도 화이팅!! Ps 영민이 광민이는 저희가 연습생일때 같이 연습한애들이에욬ㅋㅋ 앵콜때데려왔는데 너무 어색해하길래… 형아가 미안하다…
Translation: Thank you for the No. 1 on Music Bank!! Thank you for everyone who made it possible for us to achieve No 1 during these 3 weeks now 2PM’s Hands Up promotional activities are coming to an end T.T Fighting in the future! P.S. Youngmin and Gwangmin who trained together with us kk It must’ve been really awkward when I pulled them to the encore stage.. Hyung is sorry..
Also, here pictures of Youngmin and Kwangmin with Taecyeon when they were young.
Source: 2PM Taecyeon’s Twitter (@taecool) and
Translation: 2PMalways | Twitter
Credit: & | imzee

Twitter Update

Here are some tweets from Boyfriend’s Twitter. These tweets are from today and July 14th
Original Tweet: @taeccool 안녕하세요 형 저 광민입니다 다시한번 1위축하드리고요!!! 다음주 1위때는 어색하지않게 Put your hands up할게요!!투피엠최고!!
English Translation: @taeccool Hello hyung, it’s Kwangmin here[.] Once again, congratulations for getting 1st place!!! Next week if you get 1st
Original Tweet: @taeccool 형 저 영민이에요 저희를 반갑게 맞아주셔서 너무감사하면서도 놀랐어요 1위 너무축하드리고요 ㅠㅠ담엔 잘할수있게 연습해놓겠습니다!!
English Translation: @taeccool Hyung, it’s Youngmin[.] We are still surprised of your greeting, but thank you. Congratulations on winning 1st[.] You just really surprised us earlier, in fact, I thought I was gonna faintㅠㅠNext time, I will do better, I’ll practice!!
Original Tweet: Hello everyone! I inform you that there is NO individual account for Boyfriend’s memeber. Nor Boyfriend’s official me2day. Thanks :)
Original Tweet: 안녕하세요! 일부 멤버 계정에 대해 많이 물어보셔서 답변드립니다^^ 보이프렌드 멤버들은 미투데이, 트위터, 페이스북을 비롯해 ‘개인 계정’을 가지고 있지 않습니다. 보이프렌드 공식 미투데이도 운영하고 있지 않습니다. 착오 없으시길 바랍니다~!
I don’t have a translation for that one.
Source: Boyfriend’s Twitter
Translations: | imzee

Saturday 25 June 2011

Every Friday and Saturday or my vacant days ill be posting pictures.

    Because i need to concentrate on my studies. Hope ill help some pictures or videos :D

Here are two cuts from an episode of  Happy Together which aired on June 23rd. Youngmin and Kwangmin were on the show. There are English subs.

                           Youngmin and Kwangmin’s first kiss was stolen by a noona staff.

This is a cut of Youngmin and Kwangmin dancing Break Down (Kim Hyun Joong)